a few questions

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    David CarnahanDavid Carnahan
    • Topics: 1
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    Member since: November 4, 2014

    first, it appears there’s something wrong with your email, as the support@ email got rejected by my email server

    at any rate here’s my questions

    1) the demo pro site seems very peppy but my pro WIP site seems VERY slow.. gtmetrix gives it an F, this is on a dedicated server so not sure why that would be

    2) the our team carousel , i dont see how to make that work, could you please paste us some sample code for section  5 or give a bit better detail as to how to actually make that work

    3) i want to say this is a very nice them and i think it will work nicely, thanks

    our site is currently a work in progress you can see it at http://www.prostarsys.com

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: June 12, 2013


    You might be sending emails to [email protected] it is [email protected] May be that’s why because we are able to receive all sorts of emails.

    1. There are many factors which cause this. Server response time, heavy images used in slider, also try to use W3 Total Cache plugin and configure it properly.

    We optimize websites for $75 and make them rank between B to A in GT Metrix with faster speeds.

    2. This is the code for our team to be pasted in section: <div class=”carousel jcarousel-wrapper”>



    And then in left side section there is our team under Pages. Click on that set up featured image and fill the rest to get our team working.

    3. Thanks for the appreciation.



    David CarnahanDavid Carnahan
    • Topics: 1
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    Member since: November 4, 2014

    Thanks for the reply Shri,

    A few things, I disabled all my slider images to verify that wasnt the problem and i still get a C (73%)

    Secondly, I had already done exactly what you said for “Our team” and nothing shows up in the carousel, I’d be happy to pm/email you my admin section info to take a look

    We appreciate the theme it definitely got us off to a jump start!

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
    • Topics: 10
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    Member since: June 12, 2013

    Hi Dave,

    Got your test email.We can set up our team in case you send us WordPress admin via email: [email protected]

    Rest for optimizing the site we have already given you our recommendations.

    In case you want us to optimize cost is $75.


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