A question about home page sections

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    Vanessa GómezVanessa Gómez
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    Member since: July 4, 2016


    I’m going to start a new project with the Woodcraft theme and I have a question about sections of home page.
    I would like, in one of the sections, to insert a video with a text next to it, as in the section 3 of the theme Adventure.

    Is it possible? How can I do this?

    Thank you for your help.

    Best regards,

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Kindly show us your website URL so that we can assist further.


    Vanessa GómezVanessa Gómez
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    Member since: July 4, 2016

    Hi Dave,

    Currently the web is working with Customiz pro theme but I have already uploaded Woodcraft theme and I am working on the new version. When I have everything ready I will activate the new theme.

    web is: www.ppspark.com

    In one of the home page sections I want to embed a video and, next to the video, put a text or logo, similar to how it appears on the section 3 of the Adventure theme.

    I can send you my WordPress admin details.

    Best regards,

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Kindly copy and paste content of the section 3 where you want the same.


    Vanessa GómezVanessa Gómez
    • Topics: 183
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    Member since: July 4, 2016

    Hi Dave,

    I did not know that the codes of a theme could be used in other themes.
    As you indicated I copied and pasted the content of the Adventure theme home section 3 in Woodcraft them home section:

    [titlearea align="center" title="BENVINGUTS A " titlelast="PP'S PARK" subtitle="" titlecolor="#ffffff" titlelastcolor="" seperatorcolor="transparent"]
    [about-adventure image="http://www.ppspark.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Pps-Park-inici-temporada-2017.jpg" embedvideourl="http://www.ppspark.com/videos/ppspark.mp4" title="BENVINGUTS" readmoretext="MORE TRIPS" url="#" color="#ffffff" bdcolor="#ffffff"]
    Curabitur enim erat, commodo a eros pulvinar cursus urna. Curabitur rhoncus lorem ut lectus tempus, hendrerit pulvinar enim placerat. Donec malesuada in nunc quis tincidunteuis venenatis et lectus vitae dapibus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et mag parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
    Mauris tincidunt nulla in semper eleifend, enim dolor mollis enon luctus massa elit consectetur tortor. Vestibulum varius turpis sit amet rhoncus porta.

    But it did not work. How can I fix this?

    Thank you very much!!

    Best regards,

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    Can you send us the screenshot of your issue? Upload your screenshot on imgur.com and paste the share url here.


    Vanessa GómezVanessa Gómez
    • Topics: 183
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    Member since: July 4, 2016

    Hi Dave,

    Here you have the home page section 3 screenshot:


    And that’s how we’d like to be. Similar to this Adventure theme capture:


    Thank you for your help.

    Best regards,

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    Unfortunately this is not our theme http://www.ppspark.com


    Vanessa GómezVanessa Gómez
    • Topics: 183
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    Member since: July 4, 2016

    Hi Dave,

    As I explained before, the web is currently working with Customizr pro theme. But I have already uploaded Woodcraft theme and I am working on the new version.

    What I want is that on the home page, in section 3, embed a video and, next to the video, put a text or logo, similar to how it appears on the section 3 of the Adventure theme.

    How can I do this?

    Thank you!!

    Best regards,

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    We create different shortcodes for different themes therefore Adventure theme’s shortcode don’t work in Woodcraft theme.


    Vanessa GómezVanessa Gómez
    • Topics: 183
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    Member since: July 4, 2016

    Hi Brad,

    I know the adventure theme’s shortcodes don’t work in woodcraft theme.

    My query is to know how I can do something similar to the content of the home page section 3 of the theme adventure but in the woodcraft theme.

    What I just want is to embed a video in a frame and a text or image on the side.

    Is there any way to do it?

    Best regards,

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
    • Topics: 0
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    This is a custom requirement which would require some additional hours and doesn’t fall under theme support. Kindly connect with us on sktthemes.net/contact for a quote.


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