Additional procedures to Section 2 ????

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  • #103712
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    Member since: May 13, 2016

    Hello Support Folks,

    Thank you for the assistance that you offered in my previous query. I really appreciate your expertise and quick follow-up.

    Today, I would like to know if I can add more popular procedures to section 2. I tried adding a fifth procedure and there is no brief description below. However, when I click on the read more button it works properly and takes me to that page and the description.

    My questions are as follows:
    1. Can I add additional procedures under the popular procedures section?
    2. How many can I add? (I need at least 2 more)
    3. If I can add more than 4 procedures, will I be able to put a brief description under that image?

    The site is:

    Thank you in advance,


    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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