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  • #213101
    Henry MasonHenry Mason
    • Topics: 14
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    Member since: May 11, 2015

    Okay I know that each theme may work with certain elements that was used to create a theme for example the music band theme utilizes 2 features that I need with a theme I use.

    1. is the skt player to create a playlist or player
    2. the album where I can create an album section for latest release

    And also video where I can create a section about the video content on a site.

    But what I don’t have is something that will allow me to create a latest book release and other books to add to the shelf sort of speak.

    I really need all these types of features to create a hero section on the home page or inner page of the site at anytime.

    This is need for sites that are organization type like a ministry where the persona behind the ministry is a Music Artist, Author and TV Personality for a tv program.

    I didn’t know how much information I needed to give you to let you know where I’m going with this.

    But do you have a theme in all the SKT themes that can do all this and have shop as well?

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    We have some music-related themes as per your requirements. In these themes, you can create a music player and playlist. Here, a video section is also available.

    kindly see given our theme category link and choose theme.


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