Art Theme Several Issues

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    michelle goramichelle gora
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    Member since: April 15, 2015

    Hi I have a few questions with the Art theme, the site in question is

    1. Can I make the pictures in the slider smaller? I want it take up the whole width but I don’t want it as long
    The text is way towards the bottom of the pictures and I want it more in the middle

    2. In Home Section 1 (About the Art) what is the size of that image? I like how it’s split in 2 so I want to make sure I replicate that

    3. In Home Section 2 (Our Showcase) what is the size of the images? Again I uploaded it but it’s cutting half of it off.
    Also I have changed all the orange to pink but thi still shows orange, where is that to change it
    What font is that, that shows up when you hover? I changed a bunch but none of the changed.
    And can these either link to the actual project or just opn up into a larger picture?

    4. In the Testimonials section I see it puts an image in the home page section so it’s totally distorted.
    Can this section just have some of the text and a link to the actual testimonial?

    5. Also for all the sections on the home page is there a way to make the titles a link to the actual pages?

    6. For the featured images on pages, what is the size of that image. It’s very thin.

    7. On the About page how do I remove the Post a reply at the bottom???


    michelle goramichelle gora
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    Member since: April 15, 2015

    Also how do I remove the titles from all the pages? I tried both of the codes below and neither works



    michelle goramichelle gora
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    Member since: April 15, 2015

    Sorry for another post, I was working on issue #1

    I was able to make the pics a little smaller length wise but I like how the slider makes the pic end in an angle not a straight line. But it only does that for the first picture in the slider, I want that on all the pictures

    I still want to make the slider a bit short and move the text up but I would like to keep the angle at the bottom.

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Hi Michelle,

    Kindly send us your URL of the site and WordPress admin details via

    Please mention this forum URL while replying so that we understand what needs to be done.


    michelle goramichelle gora
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    Member since: April 15, 2015

    I sent a message with the login details

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Hi Michelle,

    This issue’s was resolved from our end. Kindly check and confirm.

    2. In Home Section 1 (About the Art) what is the size of that image? I like how it’s split in 2 so I want to make sure I replicate that

    Image size: 1400px * 650px


    michelle goramichelle gora
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    Member since: April 15, 2015

    What issues have been cared for??

    1. Fixed

    2. Fixed/answered

    3. **Never got an answer and the pics are still cut off

    4. Testimonial section still posts picture???

    5. **no answer and the titles aren’t links

    6. **No answer

    7. fixed

    Another issue in the Introduction section part of the pic is cut off, what size is that so I make sure the image fits?

    michelle goramichelle gora
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    Member since: April 15, 2015

    1. The other part of my first issue is still there too. The first picture is cut off at an angle, which is the theme and what I like. All the pictures after that are not

    How do I duplicate that on all the pics on the slider?

    michelle goramichelle gora
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    Member since: April 15, 2015

    Sorry for any confusion, these are still the issues that exist

    1. The other part of my first issue is still there too. The first picture is cut off at an angle, which is the theme and what I like. All the pictures after that are not
    How do I duplicate that on all the pics on the slider?

    3. Where is the font that shows up when you hover? I changed a bunch but none of the changed. Also where do you change that font color?
    And can these either link to the actual project or just open up into a larger picture?

    4. In the Testimonials section I see it puts an image in the home page section so it’s totally distorted.
    Can this section just have some of the text and a link to the actual testimonial?

    6. For the featured images on pages, what is the size of that image? It’s very thin.

    8. Also how do I remove the titles from all the pages? I tried both of the codes below and neither works

    michelle goramichelle gora
    • Topics: 24
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    Member since: April 15, 2015

    Any update? It’s been over 4 days


    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Hi Michelle,

    1. Add this code in Custom CSS Box:
    .featured_area{position:relative; z-index:999;}

    3. Add this code in Custom CSS Box. You have to replace Oswald to your font.
    .portfolio-area li .gallerytitle{font:400 44px/100% ‘Oswald’ !important;}

    4. It is a customization request. We have added link to all the title of the section.

    6. Width of the image is 1400px. Height as you want. After added a large images add this code in Custom CSS Box
    .page_head, .post_head{min-height:auto !important;}

    8. Add this code in Custom CSS Box:
    .thn_post_wrap h1{display:none;}


    michelle goramichelle gora
    • Topics: 24
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    Member since: April 15, 2015

    1. That worked, thanks

    3. **Showcase section** Where is the font that shows up when you hover? I changed a bunch but none of the changed. Also where do you change that font color?
    And can these either link to the actual project or just open up into a larger picture?

    A: Add this code in Custom CSS Box. You have to replace Oswald to your font.
    .portfolio-area li .gallerytitle{font:400 44px/100% ‘Oswald’ !important;}

    R: I added it and changed the font and it didn’t change. And how do I change the text color?
    .portfolio-area li .gallerytitle{font:400 44px/100% ‘Sansita One’ !important;}

    **And you never advised what the size was of these pictures, part of the pic is still cut off

    4. In the Testimonials section I see it puts an image in the home page section so it’s totally distorted.
    Can this section just have some of the text and a link to the actual testimonial?

    A: It is a customization request. We have added link to all the title of the section.

    R: Nothing changed in this section, sorry I’m confused by your response

    6. For the featured images on pages, what is the size of that image? It’s very thin.

    A:Width of the image is 1400px. Height as you want. After added a large images add this code in Custom CSS Box
    .page_head, .post_head{min-height:auto !important;}

    R: I made the image 1400×200 and it looks on on a pc, but on a mobile device it’s all distorted
    <img src=”” alt=”” />
    I added a featured image to the Testimonials page and nothing shows up

    8. Also how do I remove the titles from all the pages? I tried both of the codes below and neither works

    A: Add this code in Custom CSS Box:
    .thn_post_wrap h1{display:none;}

    R: I added the above code but then I can’t use the H1 tag. I want a title on each page but I want the title to be different than what the page name is as my page names are short
    Plus H1 tags help with SEO so I don’t want to not use them?
    Any other way?

    **2 NEW questions

    In the Introduction section on the home page part of the pics are cut off
    What is the size of those pics so I can adjust accordingly?

    How do I remove the sidebar on the right on the Testimonials page?

    michelle goramichelle gora
    • Topics: 24
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    Member since: April 15, 2015

    Any update, this was 5 days ago??

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013

    Hi Michelle,

    Login details are incorrect. Kindly send us correct admin details.


    michelle goramichelle gora
    • Topics: 24
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    Member since: April 15, 2015

    I didn’t know you needed login information??

    Email sent

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