change widths of footer

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  • #187261
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    Member since: August 9, 2016

    Hi, I’m using solar energy theme and I want to adjust the size widths of the footer columns.
    Using 3 footer columns, making the 1st column 25% and the other 2 equal size (or similar size).
    How do I change the code for that?
    I see :
    <?php } if ($footertype == 3) {?>
    <div class=”footercols3″ ><?php if (dynamic_sidebar(‘footer-1’)) : else : ?><h4><?php if (!empty ($complete[‘foot_cols1_title’])) { $ftcols1 = html_entity_decode($complete[‘foot_cols1_title’]); $ftcols1 = stripslashes($ftcols1); echo do_shortcode($ftcols1); } ?></h4><?php $ftcols1cntnt = $complete[‘foot_cols1_content’]; echo do_shortcode($ftcols1cntnt); endif;?></div>
    <div class=”footercols3″><?php if (dynamic_sidebar(‘footer-2’)) : else : ?><h4><?php if (!empty ($complete[‘foot_cols2_title’])) { $ftcols2 = html_entity_decode($complete[‘foot_cols2_title’]); $ftcols2 = stripslashes($ftcols2); echo do_shortcode($ftcols2); } ?></h4><?php $ftcols2cntnt = $complete[‘foot_cols2_content’]; echo do_shortcode($ftcols2cntnt); endif;?></div>
    <div class=”footercols3″><?php if (dynamic_sidebar(‘footer-3’)) : else : ?><h4><?php if (!empty ($complete[‘foot_cols3_title’])) { $ftcols3 = html_entity_decode($complete[‘foot_cols3_title’]); $ftcols3 = stripslashes($ftcols3); echo do_shortcode($ftcols3); } ?></h4><?php $ftcols3cntnt = $complete[‘foot_cols3_content’]; echo do_shortcode($ftcols3cntnt); endif;?></div>
    <?php } ?>

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    This is done. Kindly check and confirm.


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