Cleaning – Welcome and Industry we serve Page

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  • #57277
    Zainab GurkaZainab Gurka
    • Topics: 101
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    Member since: November 14, 2016


    I am working for one of my project and took Perfect Cleaning Theme..
    Now the problem is I want the same Welcome page in Section 1 with same content and also Same Industry We serve in section 2 but in place of testimonial i want to add image carousel…
    So please help me for the same to get same content and look to my website

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013

    Hi Zainab,

    Your website is in under construction mode. Kindly deactivate it so that we can check the issue.


    Zainab GurkaZainab Gurka
    • Topics: 101
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    Member since: November 14, 2016

    I have disabled under construction please check it

    I want same look of section 1 and section 2 but in section 2 in place of testimonial i want image carousel

    The problem is in section 1 & 2 i have to select the page there is no option to just add the image and content in place of the given theme

    So please help me to create the same page….i tried in about us page but the column is going down so it would be appreciated if u could help me to give some html or css code or just guide how to do that

    thx in advance

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013

    Hi Zainab,

    Use this shortcode of section 1:

    [columns size="3"]<img src="" alt="cleaning-girl" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-16240" />[/columns][columns size="2-3"][lefttitle text="Welcome To Perfect Cleaning" titlecolor="#ffffff" seperatorcolor="#ffffff"]<p style="color:#fff;">Nam non nisl quis justo facilisis scelerisque id vitae justo. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed ullamcorper ex sed venenatis tristique. Ut consectetur consequat mauris, eu tincidunt odio gravida nec. Nulla sit amet dolor massa.</p><p style="color:#fff;">Praesent lobortis, mi iaculis sagittis cursus, neque elit mollis magna, ut consequat dolor nibh et tellus. Donec efficitur iaculis nisi quis finibus. Cras sit amet hendrerit risus, eget eleifend Nunc imperdiet ante ac tortor eleifend condimentum. Sed non ipsum urna. </p>[space height="30"][readmore align="left" button="About More" links="#"][readmore align="left" button="Workers" links="#"][space height="30"][weprovide col="3" icon="fa-users" iconcolor="#ffa200" color="#ffffff" title="HIGHLY-TRAINED STAFF" description="Phasellus pulvinar auctor nisisuscipit. Cras lacus mi, venenatis bibendum eleifend." url="#"][weprovide col="3" icon="fa-cogs" iconcolor="#ffa200" color="#ffffff" title="QULAITY CLEANING TOOLS" description="Phasellus pulvinar auctor nisisuscipit. Cras lacus mi, venenatis bibendum eleifend." url="#"][weprovide col="3" icon="fa-clock-o" iconcolor="#ffa200" color="#ffffff" title="FAST & EFFECTIVE SERVICE" description="Phasellus pulvinar auctor nisisuscipit. Cras lacus mi, venenatis bibendum eleifend." url="#" last="last"][/columns]

    Shortcode for section 2:

    [columns size="2"][lefttitle text="Industries We Serve" titlecolor="#383838" seperatorcolor="#2196f3"]<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam viverra aliquet egestas. Donec vulputate, orci in accumsan fermentum, est nisl placerat ipsum, et tempus lectus purus sed quam. Proin mattis at mi ut placerat.</p>[su_row]
      [su_column size="1/2"][weserve icon="fa-plane" title="Airports & Airlines" link="#"][clear][weserve icon="fa-futbol-o" title="Sports & Fitness Centers" link="#"][clear][weserve icon="fa-car" title="Auto Dealerships" link="#"][/su_column][su_column size="1/2"][weserve icon="fa-university" title="Schools & Universities" link="#"][clear][weserve icon="fa-music" title="Entertainment Venues" link="#"][clear][weserve icon="fa-hospital-o" title="Medical Facilities" link="#"][/su_column]
    [/su_row][/columns][columns size="2"][lefttitle text="Clients Testimonials" titlecolor="#383838" seperatorcolor="#2196f3"][space height="20"][testimonials-box col="1" show="1"][/columns]


    Zainab GurkaZainab Gurka
    • Topics: 101
    • Replies: 91
    • Total: 192
    Member since: November 14, 2016

    Thx Brad

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
    • Topics: 0
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    • Total: 31157
    Member since: August 16, 2013


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