Customizing SPA theme

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  • #20513
    Kathleen BoyceKathleen Boyce
    • Topics: 4
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    Member since: November 16, 2015

    As a new user to WordPress and to your theme, I have some questions that I cannot find the answer in the published documents.

    1. How do I change the color of the “Read More” button? (see below)
    Read More

    2. Do you have any documentation that expand on the use of “Short Codes”? If not can use provide some examples on how they can be used.

    3. Under “Appearance-> Background” I can only add an image but cannot change the background color without adding an image. How do we change the background color of the site w/o adding an image?

    4. We want to add a logo and a Site Title. However, the template will not display the Site Title when we add a logo. How can we add logo and display Site Title or there is a work-around?

    5. This is a complex question and I will try to explain it. Our goal is to disable the Slider feature and only display a static Welcome page and 4 popular procedures; however when set the front page using “Setting –> Reading” then the “Home Boxes” are not displayed. We found the only way that it would work is set “Appearance –> Customize –> Static Front Page” to latest post then set “Appearance –> Theme Options —> Sections –> Welcome to wellness spa” to a welcome page. The concern here is if there is a new post then the front page would change because it is set to “the latest post”. What is the best (or correct) way to statically show a welcome page, disable “Home Boxes” and display 4 popular procedures?

    Home Box

    6. Is there away to display only 3 “Home Boxes” instead of 4?

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
    • Topics: 0
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    Member since: August 16, 2013

    Hi Kathleen,

    For The Read More Buttons
    Kindly go to Appearance>Theme Options>Basic Settings>Custom CSS box:
    Add this css code in custom css box

    #services-box .read-more{background-color:#000000 !important;}
    #services-box:hover .read-more{background-color:#86cd65 !important;}

    For Background Color
    Add this code in custom css box

    .main-container{ background:#CCC;}

    For all other issues kindly Send us email: [email protected] with your WordPress admin details and URL of the site. we will check the problem and resolve.

    NOTE: Kindly mention the issue in the email.


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    Member since: January 30, 2016

    I would also like to know if the Home Box 1 thru 4 can be removed completely? I find them difficult to get just right. They either don’t align properly with my images and text unless every single one is exactly size and number of words in description.

    Also the links below them for more info don’t always work. I’m not sure why sometimes they do and sometimes they don’t. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

    Carl M.

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013

    Hi Carl,

    To remove the homepage boxes, Kindly go to Appereance>Theme Option>Basic Setting>Custom CSS Box and add this code:

    #services-box{display:none !important;}


    Maia SDMaia SD
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    Member since: April 30, 2020


    Can you tell me how to change the images from the stock ones in the circle on front page on the theme to my own?

    How do I make these circles square?

    Why is my font not changing in real time? I have to refresh to be able to see it.

    Thank you

    Maia SDMaia SD
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    Member since: April 30, 2020

    Also how do i rearrange the blocks on the front page so i can move one lot down or up?

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013

    Hi Aurora,

    Kindly show us your website URL please?


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