Diffrent apparence on mobile and desktop device

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  • #160200
    • Topics: 1
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    Member since: June 11, 2018


    Please tell me how to fix the errors of appearance of my blog.
    First question is:
    It’s different if we see from mobile and desktop device. The footer of my blog on mollie happens with SKT Theme Tweet and if we see it from desktop there is nothing at Footer (actually it has to be shown something like: Our Location, Our Menu… same as when we see from mobile).

    Second question is:
    Section 6, I want to post a link of video but it doesn’t work at all, so I had to create a new link. But I want it as before I change into a new domain name.

    Third question is:
    Section 7, regularly there are 4 posts, when we see on mobile, the first post of this section is on the left sight and other are in middle. I want to fix the first post of this section be in the middle as the others but I don’t know how to do that.

    Sorry for many questions,

    Best regards,

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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