all downloads have been removed although lifetime subscription

Home Forums All Other Themes all downloads have been removed although lifetime subscription

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  • #109933
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    Member since: January 16, 2017

    Because my emails remain unanswered I try to contact you this way. Although I have a lifetime subscritpion all my downloads have expired (?????) and are withdrawn from my account. I paid for lifetime (so you don’t expect any expiry offcourse) and now I have nothing. I am not very pleased (to put it mildly) with how things are handled at SKT Themes so please contact me soon!!
    On the 10th of October I sent an email asking why there was a expiry data of 13th October at my downloads but no answer. And now they are suddenly no longer there.
    Also New themes are not put in my account to download automatically although I asked for that many times. I have to ask for the downloads every time. Last time I asked to put in the last 31 themes and he only put in half of them. So in my email I sent the 10th of October I asked to put in the rest but no answer. Instead all my downloads have been withdrawn. To put it mildly: I am not very amused by this all. So please put in my downloads back today and also the ones I have been asking for.

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Kindly ask access to download the New themes via


    • Topics: 11
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    Member since: January 16, 2017

    I did. In my order section I can see a few themes but I can’t download them because they have expired. So that is not a solution offcourse. And still missing a lot of themes.
    They should all be available in my download section but there are still zero themes there. In the meanwhile I chatted with Shri. He promised me that as soon as he gets back from holiday next monday he will take care of things. I hope he does. I understood that he is the only one who has access to making themes accessable for customers to download.

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