Elementor – Fitness theme – not stretching to fit page

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  • #142208
    • Topics: 4
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    Member since: January 11, 2019

    Good afternoon,

    I have been working with the Elementor – Fitness theme. Everything was going well until I edited the footer. When I did that, it made the entire homepage “boxed” content. It also forced the sidebar onto the main page. I’ve figured out how to disable that, but I still cannot get the content of the main page to “stretch to fit” the entire page, as the theme was designed.

    Anybody have any suggestions to what setting I need to update to fix this? I’m really not sure what I touched to break it. Everything seemed fine until I edited the footer.


    GREATLY appreciate your help!

    • Topics: 4
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    Member since: January 11, 2019

    Nevermind, got it all figured out. Please disregard.

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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