[ERROR] Failed to import

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  • #228093
    Josef RehrlJosef Rehrl
    • Topics: 1
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    Member since: February 23, 2023

    can you help me, when I clicked on the demo import of gb-podcast, I got the following message.

    [ERROR] Failed to import “team-img4” (Medien)
    [ERROR] Failed to import “about-podcast-box-img” (Medien)
    [ERROR] Failed to import “about-podcast-box-right-img” (Medien)
    [ERROR] Failed to import “blog-img1” (Medien)
    [ERROR] Failed to import “blog-img2” (Medien)
    [ERROR] Failed to import “blog-img3” (Medien)
    [ERROR] Failed to import “contact-img1” (Medien)
    [ERROR] Failed to import “contact-img2” (Medien)
    [ERROR] Failed to import “contact-img3” (Medien)
    [ERROR] Failed to import “discover-bg” (Medien)
    [ERROR] Failed to import “discover-img” (Medien)
    [ERROR] Failed to import “latest-podcast-img1” (Medien)
    [ERROR] Failed to import “latest-podcast-img2” (Medien)
    [ERROR] Failed to import “latest-podcast-img3” (Medien)
    [ERROR] Failed to import “live-podcast” (Medien)
    [ERROR] Failed to import “live-podcast-bg” (Medien)
    [ERROR] Failed to import “live-podcast-title” (Medien)
    [ERROR] Failed to import “music-podcast-content-img” (Medien)
    [ERROR] Failed to import “music-podcast-right-img” (Medien)
    [ERROR] Failed to import “new-show-bg” (Medien)
    [ERROR] Failed to import “new-show-img1” (Medien)
    [ERROR] Failed to import “new-show-img2” (Medien)
    [ERROR] Failed to import “nex-time-podcast-img1” (Medien)
    [ERROR] Failed to import “nex-time-podcast-img2” (Medien)
    [ERROR] Failed to import “nex-time-podcast-img3” (Medien)
    [ERROR] Failed to import “nex-time-podcast-img4” (Medien)
    [ERROR] Failed to import “team-img” (Medien)
    [ERROR] Failed to import “team-img2” (Medien)
    [ERROR] Failed to import “team-img3” (Medien)

    Please let me know how these errors can be fixed

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    Replied via email.


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