Formatting the homepage image on Disco Dancer Theme

Home Forums All Other Themes Formatting the homepage image on Disco Dancer Theme

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  • #121774
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    Member since: October 16, 2018


    Upon another test, I am still getting this error message when I try to reset my password:

    Do you know why this is?

    Thank you

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    There is no issue in theme on the time of debugging your given lost pasword reset issue we found woocommerce/emails folder inside theme and your developer/programmer over ride and modify wocommerce email template. and there in template have issue thats why after click on reset password button screen shown blank.

    we solved your issue but its custom request.

    This is a custom requirement which would require some additional hours and doesn’t fall under theme support. Kindly connect with us on [email protected] for a quote.


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