Fullpage pro, letf sidebar, copyright footer and masonry class customization

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  • #149344
    Felipe GarofaloFelipe Garofalo
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    Member since: March 26, 2020

    The (c) is still a problem

    Here is a print in a mobile device


    Felipe GarofaloFelipe Garofalo
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    Member since: March 26, 2020

    And here is another with the columns in the footer enable


    Felipe GarofaloFelipe Garofalo
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    Member since: March 26, 2020

    What is happening, as you can see above, is that the copyright column is showing above the content, in the superior part, there is this huge amount off space below the compact menu, and when I enable the footer columns everything goes above everything, and look like the last print.

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Kindly go to Appearance >> Customize >> Basic >> Scroll down to find Custom CSS and paste there:

    @media screen and (max-width:767px) {
    .page .lens-maincontainer { position:relative !important;}
    #lens-sidebar { height: auto !important;}
    @media screen and (min-width:768px) and (max-width:1023px) {
    #lens-sidebar {
        height: auto !important;


    Felipe GarofaloFelipe Garofalo
    • Topics: 3
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    Member since: March 26, 2020

    Thank you. That really worked out.

    One last question.

    There is some way that I can show the logo image and the site title at the same time?

    Every time I upload a logo the site title isnt showing, only the subtitle.



    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    Okay, Kindly send us your URL of the site and WordPress admin details (Username & Password) via email:[email protected] Please mention this forum URL while replying so that we understand what needs to be done.

    We’ll check and revert back to you.


    Felipe GarofaloFelipe Garofalo
    • Topics: 3
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    Member since: March 26, 2020

    I will create a SKT admin power user so you guys can help me out better.

    But I think I have 4 other issues that I think doesnt need the user access.

    1- As you can see, in the blog page http://felipegarofalo.com.br/blog/, the right side widget column is a little bit higher than the rest of the content. It starts with a search box, and the box is highier than the site title (my name), and the post item. Can you help me with making the right side widget bar starting at the same level of other site elements?

    2- The side bar widget for latest publications and the posts in the blog page (see the site above) have this black ou carbon, very dark, line between the itens. To make it the same line disappear in the menu side bar I put the same color of the background. But for this others lines that I metioned there is no option on the color options in basic settings. There is some CSS that I can use to change the color of the separator line that Im talking about?

    3- Talking about colours. The anchor color in the color option at the basic settings is getting me a hard time. Every time I try to change for the tone of red I would like to use it, it overrides some of the other colors that I choose and my entire menu and other things go auttomaticly to the anchor color. And What I want to do is just to change the link colors in text to the tone of red that I choose for the site. Any ideas?

    4- I choose the font family Ubuntu for the site. Everywere in the customization that there is typograph I changed to Ubuntu. But for some reason, in some parts like the copyright footer, or the post info, or the close and open sidebar button. They dont respond to font typography that I choose from. Any thoughts?

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