Girlie Pro fonts and colors not showing up

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  • #88736
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    Member since: April 3, 2016


    I have the Girlie Pro theme on my website, and many of the Theme Option edits (page background color #ffffff, font style regular – NOT italic, button background color #9d4371, etc.) do not show up when changed and saved. I’ve made the changes I want in Basic Settings, and although they save and the correct info is there, the changes do not appear appropriately on the website.

    How can I get the colors and font styles I want to show up?
    Thanks for your help!

    dani O.

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: June 12, 2013

    Hi Dani O,

    When you say that many of the changes don’t show up there can be 2 reasons for the same:

    1. Cache plugin is applied which needs to be cleared each time any changes are done.
    2. The theme options panel is conflicting with some other plugin you might have added and hence no changes are being saved or shown.

    Kindly check if any of the above issues is causing the same.


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