How to update the Read More Link

Home Forums SKT Black/White Theme Support How to update the Read More Link

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    Lee FenneyLee Fenney
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    Member since: January 15, 2015

    How do I update or remove the Read More Link?



    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    You have SKT Full Width Pro. So why are you posting in SKT Black Pro? Anyways kindly check functions.php from Appearance>Editor>functions.php

    And search read more. You should get it.


    Lee FenneyLee Fenney
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    I had a customer purchase SKT Black Pro.

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Oh i see. So did the upper instructions solve the problem for you? Let us know.


    Brian GouldBrian Gould
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    I am having the same issue.  I want to insert a hyperlink on the “read more” button to a new page.  How do we do that?

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Hi Brian,

    Here is what you need to do. Within that shortcode just type link=””

    And within the double quotes type any url (with http://)

    Hope this helps.


    Rodrigo MorenoRodrigo Moreno
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    I’m having the same issue, I’ve inserted the link=”” code but it does not link the page with another one

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Hi Rodrigo,

    As i did notice you had the quotes mentioned wrongly. If you check your link= then double quotes you gave is wrong.

    In case still its not the case or you can’t do it you are welcome to send us the WordPress admin details via email: [email protected]

    And we will take care of it for you.


    Rodrigo MorenoRodrigo Moreno
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    Thanks I noticed the error. This might be a rookie question, but how do I get rid of the “read more” link? I just want the text to show but not to link it anywhere.


    Thanks for your help

    Laura KeckLaura Keck
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    Ok. I am a beginner and I cannot figure out what you are talking about. lol.  I cannot figure out how to configurethe contact now links or the read more links. Please advise .

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Hi Rodrigo,

    #services-box .read-more{display:none;}

    Should remove the read more button.


    Roy PesikRoy Pesik
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    Dear Shri,


    I have tried to take out the Read More text on the slider with no result.

    Have tried your #services-box .read-more{display:none;} in the functions.php and style.css

    Is there any other place where I can delete or hide the Read More text in the slider?

    The website URL is

    Regards, Roy Pesik

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Hi Roy,

    I see you removed it somehow. The class: #services-box .read-more{display:none;} was to be added in Appearance>Theme Options>Custom CSS box.


    Roy PesikRoy Pesik
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    Hi Shri, thanks for your reply. I have done a “dirty” way of editing directly in (I think) the style.css. Have replaced it now with your more elegant solution.

    Thanks again, RoyP

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: June 12, 2013

    Okay great.


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