Kraft Theme – Advert tracking

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  • #63176
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    Member since: March 6, 2016

    It seems that Kraft theme removes the div containers where the css classes are added so they are not appearing in the source code.
    Is it possible to so prevent theme from doing this as I need to Track views and click throughs on ads on my site. Thanks

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013

    Hi Catherine,

    Can you actually explain what do you mean by div containers? Do you mean when you hide sections?

    The theme does make use of HTML5 coding so not sure when you say div containers because they are of course present in this theme as well.


    • Topics: 16
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    Member since: March 6, 2016

    Hi Brad

    Thanks for reply, basically I have ads on my site and was trying to calculate views and clicks for each ad.
    Google analytics support said below.
    ‘It seems that your theme removes the div containers where the css classes are added so they are not appearing in the source code. We are unable to target them with the event tracking plugin. I’m afraid that at this stage you need a developer to resolve the issues for you.’
    If i can’t get views of ads I will have to change theme.

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    Kindly note this isn’t a theme support request as you might have added Google analytics tracking code wrongly. You are requested to take developer support who deals with such issues.


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