Missing translated buttons conection in spa themes

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  • #47667
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    Member since: August 18, 2016

    I have a big problem with buttons

    I lostconnection from my 2 buttons on my homepage, I do know where I cliqued or what I did 😀 I repared 2 bottons, but there are still 2 they need to be done. Please help me to conect them again (2 buttons) to my side: http://beautybody.fr/jusqua-50-de-reduction-sur-votre-rdv-en-ligne-sur-un-soin-ou-massage/
    The buttons are located in section 1 (Prenez une randez-vous) and in section 4 (Offrez un chèque cadeau)

    Or tell me please, how I can do this

    P.S. When I click on the 2 bottons above, so I got communicat: ”
    404 Not Found Looks like you have taken a wrong turn…..Don’t worry… it happens to the best of us.”

    My site:


    The second question is: how translate the spa themes with WPML, also to get every buttons translated in the same position. Is it possible?


    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    First one was solved via email.


    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Hi Edyta,

    Kindly use plugin qTranslate X for translation.

    Here is the documentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRrVr8waiH4


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