Movers and Shakers – strange mobile display issue

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    Marc Austin-ZandeMarc Austin-Zande
    • Topics: 10
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    Member since: March 16, 2016

    Hi SKT people!

    Yes, I’ve been quiet for months now and the friend’s site seems to be working just great. Thanks again for all the initial support you gave in fine tuning so many parts of the theme to suit my demanding client.

    But now I have another question and it’s a weird one. I have read through many pages here but can not find an answer.

    When viewed from a phone browser (in this case, iPhone 6s iOS 10.3.2), the page (example linked below) “jiggles” or “flickers” on screen. It seems to be in some strange loop of loading but it does seem to have loaded the entire content. I can not see any reason why this is happening but I have seen it happen.

    Your suggestions and help, as always, very welcome!

    Marc Austin-ZandeMarc Austin-Zande
    • Topics: 10
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    Member since: March 16, 2016


    I don’t know why and I may never know why BUT… on a whim, I changed the justification of the two images the client had placed on the page. They were placed centred and I set them to right justified. The page “jiggle” or “flicker” stopped. Now, this doesn’t really answer the question but it certainly solves the strange display problem on the phone browser.

    I would still be keen to hear any thoughts on the original issue if it sounds familiar to anyone reading but for now, the client should be ok with the images moved to one side (I *HATE* centred objects on a page anyway!) and the page loading and displaying correctly.

    Thanks all!

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Marc Austin-ZandeMarc Austin-Zande
    • Topics: 10
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    Member since: March 16, 2016

    I know you guys are super busy but any thoughts on why the page was “jiggling” would be appreciated.

    It’s as if it were in some strange loading loop. Only on a phone browser though. Absolutely fine on a desktop/laptop. I didn’t check on a tablet but I’d assume it would have been the same as the phone.

    Don’t waste time on this but if you have any thoughts as to why this might be, please share them 😉

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    Kindly go to Appearance>>Theme Options>>Basic Settings>>Custom CSS Box:

    Add this code there:

    #main { width:100%;}


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