Our Services Question

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  • #222064
    Henry MasonHenry Mason
    • Topics: 14
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    Member since: May 11, 2015

    Okay so I’m using the theme SKT Handyman Pro.

    There is a module in the admin menu called Our Services. I’ve notice that the way the theme is built I can’t add more services to this and it show up on the site. It will knock one of the current services off and only list 6 services at a time.

    I need to be able to add additional services on this theme and them show in the menu on the website.

    But it does not show them added services it will always only show 6 at a time.



    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    How to edit post type single pages:

    If you want to edit Our Service single page?

    Kindly follow below steps.

    1. Kindly go to Dashboard >> Elementor >> Setting >> General and check all post type options.

    See example screenshot: https://ibb.co/TMRYf20

    After complete 1 step.

    2. Kindly go to Dashboard >> Our Services >> Ultra Luxury Yacht Charter >> Edit with Elementor >> and change it there.


    Henry MasonHenry Mason
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    Member since: May 11, 2015

    I don’t think you understand what I’m asking you.

    I know how to edit the pages using elementor.

    My issue is when I add a new service to the our services section it will add the new service but only 6 services will show at a time.

    Say I have my main six services plumbing, painting, drywall, electrical, doors, flooring but I want to add another service say. . . windows.

    Well it will add windows on the home section and add it to the side bar on the services menu but it will now look like this

    plumbing, painting, drywall, electrical, doors, windows <<<< Now flooring has been replaced by windows instead of being added to the home section to show 7 services it always only shows 6.

    Does this make sense

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    If you want to show 7 services on the page?

    Kindly use this shortcode: [ourservices col=’6′ show=’-1′]


    Henry MasonHenry Mason
    • Topics: 14
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    Member since: May 11, 2015

    Okay I understand that short code now and it does add it to the hero spot on homepage section.

    But it don’t add it to the sidebar here or sidebar on any other service pages https://handymanservicesmemphis.com/blog/ourservices/carpentry/

    Okay that is problem one I’m facing. The other is on the homepage where it was added here https://handymanservicesmemphis.com/

    At the Expert Handyman Help section click on the test icon i created for this support request. Notice that it doesn’t match the other templates on the our services list. I need the template to match the link I shared on carpentry as well as it to be added to the sidebar like it does on the on the homepage section.

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    Kindly go to Appearance >> Menus >> Select Services menu from dropdown >> kindly insert services menu item form “Our Services” tab.

    Kindly see screenshot : https://nimb.ws/dNQZJv2


    Henry MasonHenry Mason
    • Topics: 14
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    Member since: May 11, 2015

    I think I pieced it together from your help

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: June 12, 2013


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