Parallax Effekt / misleading purchase

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  • #116411
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    Member since: May 19, 2016


    So I had an issue with one of your themes I bought a while back and figured it may be good to update to a new one. I bought the perfect theme, because I thought that all of the demos you show are included into one theme, but came to realize they are not!
    I can not use shortcodes, for example, from the perfect nature theme in the perfect theme. This is rubbish.

    Also, I see no option whatsoever where I can add or configure a parallax effect for a home section background.
    Also, in your documentation, you tell customers to create pages for each home section and import the code, but obviously this does not work due to lacking pictures without demo content. I uploaded demo content and my wordpress installation got spammed with 130 (!!!!!) created sites, a lot of rubbish pictures and even spam comments.

    as you can tell, I am very upset about all this!

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: June 12, 2013


    Sorry about this.

    We do offer free installation and set up of the theme.

    We can set up the perfect main theme for you and similarly you can do and set up the rest.

    Some shortcodes are theme specific just like nature one has some.


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