Perfect Event Unresponsive Theme

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    angelo la rosaangelo la rosa
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    Member since: November 15, 2015

    Message: Good morning, I’m making a website for a customer for which I have a problem. My client has a small portable computer and its browser logo is superimposed on the title of the event over the slide (the site personalization fields). It ‘clear that today very few people have the monitor so small, slightly larger than an iPad, but unfortunately for my client I have to solve this problem. I already did a search but I am not be able to understand what I may write in custom css fields, to prevent for the event title (entered in the custom fields) moves under the logo. Also in the fields above the slide on the homepage, those same fields that you fill in the customization of your site in the slide, when an event is over comes the word “expired”. But for us Italians this word is very similar to another Italian word for dead. You could take this exclamation without replacing it with other meanings?
    Thanks, regards.

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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