Perfect Section 2, Excerpt Length

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  • #73031
    • Topics: 32
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    Member since: February 9, 2017

    How do I set the excerpt length in Perfect section 2? I tried adding excerptlength=”24″ to the text but it didn’t work.

    —————————–Without excerpt length———————-
    [service pattern=”boxpattern-1″ icon=” ” title=”How Donations Work” go=”fa-angle-right” url=”#”] I am in the process of setting up this website and working out agreements with Rescue Partners but I want to to assure you and my Rescue Partners that the donations I have pledged to make will be made so I am

    Read More [/service]

    —————————-With excerpt length—————————-

    [service pattern=”boxpattern-1″ excerptlength=”24″icon=” ” title=”How Donations Work” go=”fa-angle-right” url=”#”] I am in the process of setting up this website and working out agreements with Rescue Partners but I want to to assure you and my Rescue Partners that the donations I have pledged to make will be made so I am

    Read More [/service]

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013

    Kindly go to Appearance>>Customize>>Basic>>Scroll down to find Custom CSS and paste there:

    .servicebox p { height:60px; overflow:hidden;}


    • Topics: 32
    • Replies: 48
    • Total: 80
    Member since: February 9, 2017

    Thank you for the custom css but this goes back to my post in

    “I was also wondering if things like excerptlength=”24″ or titlecolor=”#282828″ can be added to any code such as this
    “[centertitle text=” Some Etsy Listings ” titlecolor=”#282828″ seperatorcolor=”#e8e7e7″]”
    as long as it is in the brackets and does it need to be in any specific order?”

    I don’t know much about custom css yet so every time I need to make a change I have to come here and bother you guys. I want to know when it is possible to make changes like the ones above in the pages so I can do it myself.
    I do intend to learn more about custom css but I am sixty years old and some of the technical stuff does not stick like it use to….LOL.
    BTW, you people are great about answering questions and taking care of problems, it is appreciated.

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