Perfect theme navigation and other questions

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  • #57964
    • Topics: 7
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    Member since: December 29, 2016

    Hi Shri,

    I really like the Perfect theme but I have a few questions:
    1. Is it possible to do a one-page theme with it? I mean what links to the sections I should provide to the menu so it would scroll down to my required section? I really need this feature right now cause the site is almost finished and I didn’t check that in the first place.
    2. Is it possible to take sections from one child theme and put to the other one? For example: If I would like to grab one section from Perfect Business (why choose us) and one from Perfect Medical (Welcome to Perfect Medical) and put both these sections to Perfect Theme.

    Thank you for your answers!

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: June 12, 2013

    Hi Tomas,

    1. Yes you would have to use anchor links to that area something similar to this:

    2. No that isn’t possible but you can use page builder plugins like Elementor or Sandwich or visual composer and have similar shortcodes used across the templates.


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