Perfect Theme: Slider does not Function & loge image and text issue

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  • #64279
    • Topics: 4
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    Member since: February 21, 2017


    Since your resolved the “Slider not loading” issue I now haave the slider images working but the text does not change, I have made no changes since visit last time also I cannot change the logo text or image, this site is becoming a problem as I can’t make changes or additiona I need.

    It has been two weeks since purchase and I cannot set the site to what I want.

    Help please.

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013

    Hi Chris,

    Customizer slider all the fields need to be changed like slider title, description, and slider images for all the slides then it will start affecting and from next time smallest of changes also appear. This needs to be done only for the first time.


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