Photos upside down

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  • #31933
    Sixtina AlwardtSixtina Alwardt
    • Topics: 14
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    Member since: March 23, 2016

    Hello again,

    quick question. In some of my posts my photos suddenly turned upside down. I deleted them and re-added/re-uploaded them but they are always upside down now. Unless I turn them upside down in my media library then they are correct in the post.

    Do you know what could be causing this issue and how can I resolve it? Is it the photos themselves, because before they were fine it just happened suddenly.

    The two affected posts are:

    Even the featured image of those two blog posts is upside down πŸ˜€

    Appreciate your help. πŸ™‚



    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013

    Hi Sixtina,

    Strange πŸ™‚ I have deleted and re-upload the images that are flip. So do not flip your images on Media library.


    Sixtina AlwardtSixtina Alwardt
    • Topics: 14
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    Member since: March 23, 2016

    Thank you. I also just tested another work around. I just edited the original photo and change one parameter such as light, no one will even notice and saved it again, uploaded it and it works. So random….probably corrupt file πŸ˜€

    Thank you Brad.

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013

    Okay Great

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