Problem with section "our clients"

Home Forums SKT Black/White Theme Support Problem with section "our clients"

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  • #14375
    Piotr BorwinPiotr Borwin
    • Topics: 1
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    Member since: May 11, 2015


    I have problems setting of links to images client logos.

    When in short codes, I set only image- is ok. (Look is nicely but when I click on the logo, the page which opens is:

    But when in short codes I set a logo and a link, it does not display and the picture and does not open the required page 🙁

    How to set it up?

    I have two sections on the home page where I use the “our clients”:

    “PARTNERZY”- Here I want to make sure everything worked correctly and that the visitors after clicking on the logo could go to the website of the Client.

    “METODĘ STRUCTOGRAM WDROŻYLI:”- Here I would like to completely disable the option of clicking on the logo and opening another page. (Here I want only images)

    And the last question of this section:

    How to make a section is centered on the website and not set up to the left?

    Please help 🙁

    My website:


    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
    • Topics: 10
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    Member since: June 12, 2013

    Hi Peter,

    Sorry for the delayed response due to Diwali festival. 150 emails per day. So 750 emails for the 5 days we didn’t work. Still replying to all emails we received.

    Okay so for the client logo link you have within the shortcode: link=”#”
    Please replace # with actual link like

    For the partner area remove the link=”#” from within the shortcodes.


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