Services Sidebar Menu does not update.

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  • #222348
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    Member since: October 4, 2017

    I edited the Services Sidebar in the Appearance>Menus>Services Sidebar menu structure.
    I selected Save Menu (multiple times) but the menu did not update the site.
    This is really frustrating.
    I should be able to depend on menu edits, saved, to actually save.
    I changed the sequence to this order:
    Furniture Assembley
    Plumbing Repairs
    Electrical Repairs
    Construction Management
    Drain Cleaning
    and it stayed in the old order, despite clicking on Save Menu.

    I need to be able to edit this extensively.
    How can I reliabely save my changes to menus?

    • Topics: 2
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    Member since: October 4, 2017


    • Topics: 2
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    Member since: October 4, 2017

    I finally got it to work.

    Related,why is the footer menu called “ourservices” instead of consistent with the sidebar name,
    for example Our Services Footer.
    Is it possible to change it so it is consistent?

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    Kindly check the menu name on the services single page; if here “Services Sidebar,” this is used so it’s manageable from the “Menus > Select > Services Sidebar.” From here you can manage the services single page menu; see the given link:

    Also check the footer menu name; all menus are available on Menus, and from here you can manage them.

    If you are facing any issue for setup menu.

    Kindly send us your URL of the site and WordPress admin details (Username & Password) via email:[email protected]


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