Settings lost when site moved to new folder; trying to restore

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  • #43715
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    Member since: May 13, 2016

    I had SKT Construction Pro installed in WordPress in a development subfolder. When finished developing, I moved the site to the web document root, changed the relevant paths in wp_options, and got it online using the same MySQL database. However, I found that all the options I created for SKT (and there were a ton) had changed back to the defaults.

    I dug into the database and found the skt_construction_pro record in the wp_options table. In this record was what appeared to be a JSON object with all my settings from the development site. After copying these into a file to preserve them (thankfully!), I opened the Theme Options screen and found all the defaults instead of my settings. To test, I changed a default and saved the options. Result: the skt_construction_pro record in wp_options was overwritten with a new JSON object containing the defaults plus my change. Unable to quite believe my eyes, I copy/pasted the development JSON object from where I’d saved it and tried again. And again, the Theme Options section brought up the defaults, appearing not to recognize the JSON settings from the previous installation.

    Further experimentation leads me to believe that the previous settings object is somehow corrupted. I need to know if this is the case, and if there is any way to fix it so I can restore my settings rather than having to do them all over again manually.

    I can provide login creds, db level access, and all relevant files upon request. Please email jason (at) lightwise dot net.

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: June 12, 2013


    All the theme options get saved in database in wp-options table

    So kindly check and use duplicator plugin or keep database of development folder intact only change path in the database to the new location of WordPress.

    Hire a developer in case you have problems.


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    Member since: May 13, 2016

    Yes, I understand how the theme options are saved – hence my analysis above.

    It sounds like my only option at this point is to re-create all my options from scratch, which will be a pain, but I’ll do what I have to in order to get the site launched.

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: June 12, 2013

    That is bad. I wish you asked us before. Duplicator plugin should have been good.


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    Member since: May 13, 2016

    Well to me, a database record is a database record, and I can’t fathom how the theme lost touch with its options during the move. But there is a happy ending here, in that restoring the options manually (with reference to the aforementioned backup) took much less time and trouble than I was expecting.

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: June 12, 2013

    Oh great. Thanks for posting the update.


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