Shorten space below slider

Home Forums SKT Black/White Theme Support Shorten space below slider

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  • #7664
    Tonya HarrisTonya Harris
    • Topics: 7
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    Member since: June 6, 2015

    I saw in a previous post that I can remove the section CSS class to remove the animation and allow the title to appear.  Currently it does appear to visitors that there is nothing there, so not intuitive to scroll down.  I like the animation however.  Would like to try and shorten the space between the slider and the section to see if that would help. Maybe not though since they have to scroll still a bit to even get the animation started.  Are there any other options you may suggest beyond removing the animation?

    This is a fabulous theme by the way.  I actually purchased ALL of them this evening 🙂

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
    • Topics: 10
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    Member since: June 12, 2013

    Shortening the space is it for mobile or for desktop view? Can you show us the website so that we can think how its appearing.

    Thanks for your appreciation and purchase.


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