Site malfunction after theme update

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  • #92016
    Marlou .Marlou .
    • Topics: 26
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    Member since: December 10, 2015


    I purchased a theme updates/support package at the beginning of this month. Since then everything went wrong…
    First all my settings went back to default. Luckily that could be reversed by requesting a back-up through my hosting.

    One of your colleagues already solved some of the issues, but he requested I post the rest here due to being extremely busy. He also said this: Also please post images using (not sure how that works though…).

    First of, this is the website:
    It has been two weeks since I paid for the updates now and my website still looks crapy.

    I appreciate the help! What a little updating can do… ? Makes me feel like a nag (but all I want is for my website to look as it used to).

    Article titles are smaller now, I prefered the capital letters (now the font size plus regular letters are too small).

    Homepage: the pictures are still not 4:3 and summary underneath used to be 6 lines (I adjusted all pictures to 4:3 in photoshop, so don’t understand how they can be a different size now).
    Still no photo in section 2… (I really couldn’t fix that myself, believe me I tried…). The picture is the last one in the media library, I uploaded it again for easy access.

    Not on the screenshots, but the websites name used to be a bit larger. Now it’s roughly the same size as the slider captions.

    On the screenshot of ‘ook leuk om te lezen’:
    the widgets ‘ook leuk om te lezen’ and ‘onze laatste berichten’ have too much space between the lines now (too much blank space). It used to be closer together, taking up less space in the sidebar.
    I’ll try to explain what I mean as best as possible. The distance between the picture and the line below it is perfect. Is it possible to have the same distance between the picture and the line above? With the text centered.
    For the ‘onze laatste berichten widget: lines a bit closer to the text, so it doesn’t take up so much space…
    You’ll also see a border around the like button under an article, that cuts of text. It used to be just the like button, no borders or anything.

    Also video’s I post are not the same size (see before and after screenshots). Before they were full size, now they are too small…

    I sooooo hope you can help me get my website back to normal!!!

    Marlou .Marlou .
    • Topics: 26
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    Member since: December 10, 2015


    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    This can only be done via coder.

    Kindly send us your URL of the site and WordPress admin details (Username & Password) via Please mention this forum URL while replying so that we understand what needs to be done.


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