SKT Builder not available on new pages

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  • #185939
    Carolina MarmeladaCarolina Marmelada
    • Topics: 2
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    • Total: 5
    Member since: July 11, 2019

    Hi All,

    Two years ago I built a website using an SKTtheme. I’ve since made several updates without problem. Now I’m trying to make a few changes but I can’t seem to create any new pages with SKT Builder. Even on older pages, some show me that option while others don’t.

    I’m trying to train the customer in managing the content themselves and they need to go into SKT Builder for some pages, and then to the regular WP page builder for others. It’s inconsistent and messy.

    Also, since I’ve seen that the latest version doesn’t support the updated version of WP, I made sure to run the latest compatible WP version.

    I understand that all new themes use Elementor instead of the late SKT Builder. But does that mean that I need to move from one to the other? And if so, what will happen no my current content layout? Shouldn’t I be able to keep using SKT Builder? Any insights?

    Thanks =)

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


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