SKT Charity – Services Four Boxes

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  • #23835
    Brian DimitroffBrian Dimitroff
    • Topics: 3
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    • Total: 6
    Member since: April 10, 2015

    In the default SKT Charity template the icons in the four Services boxes change color on mouseover, which I think is cool. When linking the services to a page with a featured image on the sections tab, this color change effect gets lost. I was able to create png image files that mimic the format of the default ‘donation-image-(1-4).png’ files where there’s a white image on top and an identical colored image underneath. If I save them in the images folder using the same file names as the corresponding defaults they look great and have the same color change effect, but as soon as I link a page to these boxes using the Sections tab the image references get overridden by the featured image for the page.

    Is it possible to alter the index.php file so that only the text is pulled from the pages specified on the sections tab, while the icons are still pulled from whatever png image files are named ‘donation-image-1.png’ thru ‘donation-image-4.png’ in the images folder? That way we can still have the cool color change effect for the icons.

    Thanks for the help!

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013

    Okay we will update the theme to retain the style in default.

    Give us 2-3 days time.


    Brian DimitroffBrian Dimitroff
    • Topics: 3
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    • Total: 6
    Member since: April 10, 2015

    Thanks for the help, but I was able to figure it out on my own.

    In the index.php file I replaced ‘<div class=”thumb_four_page”><?php the_post_thumbnail();?></div>’ with ‘<div class=”thumb_four_icon”>/images/donation-image-<?php echo $fx; ?>.png” alt=”” /></div>’

    It would be great if there were an easier way to do this in future updates. Thanks again!

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