SKT charity theme shopping list of support requests

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  • #113699
    Nirvikalpini NithyaNirvikalpini Nithya
    • Topics: 19
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    Member since: June 17, 2018

    Hi – I have several requests for you. The website url is I have emailed [email protected] with my WP username and password

    Firstly I am not sure why the image I have added for the background does not show on the front page behind the sections ‘Lives Touched by Starlight and New and Views.

    Next I would like ‘lives touched by Starlight’ (originally our donators) boxes on the home page to always show the same size. At the moment they are different sizes because of the different length of words. Also is it also possible to change the way the url shows when one of the boxes in this section is selected. For example if I select Piero I am taken to . Ideally I would like this section to be called Lives Touched by Starlight rather than our donators so therefore the url would show

    For the news and views section I would also like to see the extract boxes for each post shown the same size rather than the size being dependent on the word length.

    Finally I would like to move the phone icon and address icon from the top header to the footer where I have written the address and phone number.

    Many thanks your help is appreciated -Nirvikalpini

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    Issue resolved. Kindly check and confirm.


    Nirvikalpini NithyaNirvikalpini Nithya
    • Topics: 19
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    Member since: June 17, 2018

    Hi – not all of the issues have been resolved.

    The news and views section excerpt lengths are fine now thank you .

    The background is still an issue. I think I wasn’t clear before but the background image that I am after is the orange colour that you can see under appearance – background colour. Previously by not setting any image or colour for the sections I had the site so that the orange background colour showed all of the way down the home page seamlessly ( apart from the slider and footers). It seems to work for the 4 boxes section and the ‘together we light the world section ‘ but not the ‘news and views’ and ‘lives touched by starlight’ sections. I know I can add the images to those sections but if it is done that way the image isn’t seamless – you can see the joins where it starts and stops.

    This issue has not been resolved:
    ” Next I would like ‘lives touched by Starlight’ (originally our donators) boxes on the home page to always show the same size. At the moment they are different sizes because of the different length of words. Also is it also possible to change the way the url shows when one of the boxes in this section is selected. For example if I select Piero I am taken to . Ideally I would like this section to be called Lives Touched by Starlight rather than our donators so therefore the url would show – “Next I would like ‘lives touched by Starlight’ (originally our donators) boxes on the home page to always show the same size. At the moment they are different sizes because of the different length of words. Also is it also possible to change the way the url shows when one of the boxes in this section is selected. For example if I select Piero I am taken to . Ideally I would like this section to be called Lives Touched by Starlight rather than our donators so therefore the url would show”

    And this issue has not been resolved:
    “Finally I would like to move the phone icon and address icon from the top header to the footer where I have written the address and phone number.”

    Thanks for you continued support – please let me know if you are unclear about any of my requests
    best wishes

    Nirvikalpini NithyaNirvikalpini Nithya
    • Topics: 19
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    • Total: 69
    Member since: June 17, 2018

    UPDATE 13.05 20/12/18

    Hi – I found out what the problem is with the background so please remove that request from the list. The following are the outstanding requests:

    I see you have removed the icons for the phone number and address (thank you). It would be great if I could have them at the bottom of the page where I have put the address and phone number

    I would like ‘lives touched by Starlight’ (originally our donators) boxes on the home page to always show the same size. At the moment they are different sizes because of the different length of words. (This you have already done for the news and views section)

    Also is it also possible to change the way the url shows when one of the boxes in this section (‘lives touched by Starlight’) is selected. For example if I select Piero I am taken to . Ideally I would like this section to be called Lives Touched by Starlight (or beneficiaries if something shorter is needed) rather than our donators so therefore the url would show

    thanks once again 🙂

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
    • Topics: 0
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    Issue resolved.


    Nirvikalpini NithyaNirvikalpini Nithya
    • Topics: 19
    • Replies: 50
    • Total: 69
    Member since: June 17, 2018

    Yep fantastic! Just what I was after thank you 🙂 🙂 and best wishes


    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
    • Topics: 0
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    Member since: August 16, 2013

    🙂 🙂

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