Thank you. It appears your theme now displays correctly when first visiting the site. However, when clicking the “home” button my old HTML is displayed. How can I fix that?
While I have your attention I have 3 more questions I could not find in the theme user guide:
1. for “Section 1” — in what directory are the “theme-feature icons” found (“mobile,” ” refresh,” “gears,” and “code”)? I wish to replace them with my own icons but can’t find the directory. What do I do?
2. for “Section 5, testimonials” — I have over 60 posts of testimonials found here:
Is there an easy way to include them rather can duplicate the content?
3. all site “title” and “description” data are lost when the theme displays. Where should I enter that info?
FYI: I’m not a programmer 🙂 Please provide simple instructions for my simple mind. Thank you!!