SKT Editor

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  • #156900
    Faizan QuraishiFaizan Quraishi
    • Topics: 7
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    Member since: June 8, 2020

    Dear Sir,
    Thank you for your great helping and support, your SKT builder is awesome for normal page editing but its very limited and i am facing the following:
    1, Is there any upgraded version of your SKT bulider plugin?
    I would like to make a fully customized header and footer for my website, there is no such option in your SKT editor. we can only change the colours or fonts from appearance. no more features, for example i would like to add an animated title on featured header image, but no such option with skt.

    2, I have Elementor pro Editor plugin,can i use it for editing my header or footer sections or other parts of my website? my page has already been edited with your SKT BUILDER, Can i use both editors at same time together, without effecting my website appearance?

    3, I would like to have a customize able product and woocommerce section there is no such option in your SKT.

    4, I would like to make a multi gallery page (Gallery with Albums), I recieved the shortcode from you side, for it. But i searched a lot in your documentary file for adding pictures to photogallery but there is no such description.
    I need to purchase another theme, i need a woocommerce, for my another website, but if there is same limited feature and problems its difficult to purchase any other theme from you.

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    1. Header and footer are managed via appearance>customize. You can use widgets in both header and footer to customize them. Also layout options are provided in header/footer via appearance>customize

    2. You cannot use both on a single page but yes you can use both in other pages like if you use SKT Builder in homepage you can use Elementor for inner page/s or vice versa.

    3. What kind of customization?

    4. Gallery with albums you can use nextgen gallery plugin its free and provides this functionality.


    Audrey WigginsAudrey Wiggins
    • Topics: 2
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    Member since: May 30, 2020


    It appears that my footer is pulling text from Elementor, but I cannot find out how to edit it. I want what is in the SKT footer.
    wp-admin: awiggins
    pw: L!wuCLn4e

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
    • Topics: 0
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    Member since: August 16, 2013

    Hi Audrey,

    Your website URL link isn’t working. Kindly show URL like this.



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