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  • #96895
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    Member since: January 17, 2018

    Hi Dave


    I have used the SECTION 6 on the homepage to showcase TESTIMONIALS and have placed the shorcode on the homepage to display 9. But I would like to make the following changes to the way they display on the homepage:

    1. I would like the default image attached to section 6 in THEME OPTIONS be the background on the homepage where the testimonials are displaying.
    2. I would like the layout of the testimonials as displayed on the homepage to be different. Please limit testimonial text content length to 49 words & have the text right aligned rather than centered
    3. Please remove the small testimonial round image and replace with a right aligned medium rectangle image that fits nicely with the dimensions on the page. Please also make the image a link to the actual testimonial.
    4. The button that says VIEW ALL TESTIMONIALS: I notice that in THEME OPTIONS it says “Paste url here for View All Testimonials” how to I create a page that will display all testimonials so I can insert the link to that page in there?

    Unrelated to the testimonials:
    1. How do I change the font that shows on all the buttons to be sentence case and also to be the same font as I have selected for the red button on the sliders?

    Much thanks

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013

    Hi Danielle,

    You have create a lots of posts. So i ma confuse.

    kindly mention all your question in a single post.


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    Member since: January 17, 2018

    Hi Dave

    I will condense all the support tickets here:

    Domain: THEGOODLIFEBIZ.COM using the SKT LANDING PAGE THEME – Already installed.
    Login: Please confirm you have received the login details I emailed to your office last Fri/Sat.

    I have used SECTION 6 on the homepage sections to showcase TESTIMONIALS and have placed the shorcode on the homepage to display 9 testimonials. But I would like to make the following changes to the way the testimonials display on the homepage:

    1. I would like the default image attached to section 6 in THEME OPTIONS>SECTIONS>SECTION 6 to be the background on the homepage where testimonials are displaying.
    2. I would like the layout of the testimonials displayed on the homepage to be different than what is currently showing.
    3. Please limit testimonial text content length to 49 words & have the text right aligned rather than centered
    4. Please remove the small testimonial round image and replace with a right aligned medium rectangle image (featured image for each testimonial) that fits nicely with the dimensions on the page. Please also make the retangle image a link to the actual testimonial page.
    5. I notice that in THEME OPTIONS it says “Paste url here for View All Testimonials” how do I create a page that will display all testimonials so I can insert the link to that page in the button that says VIEW ALL TESTIMONIAL?

    1. I’d like to make the following changes:
    Slider Enquiry Form – I’d like to replace the contact form on the slider with the following:
    – HEADING TEXT – “FREE 7 Part Video Series”
    – embedded Youtube video –
    – the button beneath it “INSTANT ACCESS NOW” please use this colour #AF1C1C for the button

    2. I’d like to remove the ‘contact form’ widget from the sidebars on existing pages. Please also stop it defaulting the contact form in the side panel for new pages.

    3. THEME OPTIONS>SECTIONS>There are 7 demo sections. Could you please activate these demo sections so I can see them live on the page and edit them?

    4. Please separate the menu bar from the slider images and inner page banner. Id really prefer to have a separate static white floating menu bar. It like the menu options (text) to remain this colour #AF1C1C

    1. Please increase font size for all Footer headings.
    2. Contact info
    – please make the Skype Icon left aligned
    – please move the social icons to the bottom of ‘contact info’ section – remove the ‘about us’ heading
    3.Please remove recent posts section from the footer.
    4 Please include my Footer Menu in the footer. use the Heading “Menu”

    1. I’ve noticed that if I have a ‘featured image’ on a page, the ‘featured image defaults to replace the ‘inner banner image’. Please stop this from happening. I’d like the “Inner Page Banner” to be the default banner for all pages except the homepage which has sliders instead.
    2. Please remove the archives widget from the sidebar in ‘blog category pages’ & ‘blog posts’
    3. Please change the font on all the buttons to sentence case and change the font to the same font as the font on the red button in the sliders.


    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    This is done.


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    Member since: January 17, 2018

    Fantastic work Dave! I’m really happy with it thank you 🙂

    I’ve had a play around and made the changes I know how to but there are just a few things I need help with:
    1. Please remove the ‘VIEW ALL TEAM MEMBERS’ button from the homepage.
    2. In SECTION 6 of the HOMEPAGE I have embedded a video. I can’t seem to get it to fit alongside the text. Are you able to adjust the dimensions of the YouTube clip I have embedded so it fits nicely to the right of the text?

    Warmest regards

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    • Topics: 8
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    Member since: January 17, 2018

    Thanks Dave

    But I’ve cleared cookies and refreshed the page to make sure but it seems this part has not been done?:
    2. In SECTION 6 of the HOMEPAGE I have embedded a video. I can’t seem to get it to fit alongside the text. Are you able to adjust the dimensions of the YouTube clip I have embedded so it fits nicely to the right of the text?


    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    Issue resolved. Kindly check and confirm.


    • Topics: 8
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    Member since: January 17, 2018

    Fantastic David, thank you

    Please send me a link the to where I can leave feedback 🙂


    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013

    Hi Danielle,

    If you found our service good kindly review us here:


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    Member since: January 17, 2018

    Hi Dave

    I’ve just checked out my live website on mobile and it doesnt appeart to be optimising in the following areas:

    1. The Menu button does not appear at all (usually this can be found by a visual menu button at the top right corner of the page but it is missing)

    2. HOMEPAGE: the slider is not optimising to show the top video or the button that asks people or register for the video series.

    Could you please take a look as the site is now live and I have paid advertising driving traffic to the site.


    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    Issue resolved from our end. Kindly check and confirm.


    • Topics: 8
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    Member since: January 17, 2018

    Hi Dave

    I’ve just tested it on an apple and a samsung. The menu and the slider still not optimising on mobile.


    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    Can you send us the screenshot of your issues? Upload your screenshot on and paste the share url here.


    • Topics: 8
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    Member since: January 17, 2018

    Hey Dave,

    I just went to take the screenshot and now its working!! thank you 🙂

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