SKT Page Builder

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  • #111219
    • Topics: 23
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    Member since: June 20, 2016

    I am using Page Builder and would like to add some custom coding to the page. I clicked the “</>” icon and entered my code but it added the code to my page as text.

    Also, when I tried to add a link, there is no button to save the link. When I hit the “back” button to save the page, it does not save the link.

    Finally, I using the Solar theme, and there is too much space between the sections. I’m not sure if it’s the theme or the Page Builder. I did reduce the padding in the Page Builder to “0” top and bottom.

    This is a link to the page

    Please advise



    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    For now custom code option is not available in the page builder, it may available in some future updates.

    To save the link kindly press enter button after adding link.

    Theme sections have separate top and bottom padding and page builder blocks have separate top and bottom padding that’s why you are seeing too much space between sections. We will launch Page Builder themes shortly.


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