SKT Restro

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  • #15199
    Jake BellJake Bell
    • Topics: 2
    • Replies: 4
    • Total: 6
    Member since: November 14, 2015


    I have a few questions regarding the Restro theme, I haven’t been able to figure them out on my own.

    1. How can I order the “Our Menu” categories?

    2. Is it possible to create a page that is only used to hold other pages in the navigation menu? Like:
    Head 1 — Head 2 — Head 3
    Sub 1
    Sub 2
    In which “Head 1” is not linking to another page.

    3: Is it possible to create multiple “our menu” pages?

    4: Can I replace the logo at the top-left of the page to plain text instead of an image?

    Thanks in advance!



    Jake BellJake Bell
    • Topics: 2
    • Replies: 4
    • Total: 6
    Member since: November 14, 2015

    Can anyone help me out please?

    Jake BellJake Bell
    • Topics: 2
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    Member since: November 14, 2015

    Still waiting for an answer. I have to finish this project very soon.

    Jake BellJake Bell
    • Topics: 2
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    Member since: November 14, 2015

    After four days I still haven’t received an answer. This is not the kind of support I expected to receive. Several other threads that were created later than mine have gotten a reaction from sktthemes, but my thread seems to get ignored. I’m really happy with the theme, but there’s no way I will buy another theme when I’m simply being ignored here.

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
    • Topics: 0
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    Really apologize for this grave mistake. We had Thanks Giving on Friday and then followed by the weekend.

    Replying back to you in 5 mins.


    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    1. Try this plugin for category ordering:

    2. Yes you can have HTML of links like in ul li and have the page to be linked to various other pages like shown here:

    3. Unfortunately no. However you can use plugins like this:

    4. Yes kindly remove logo from within theme options and then go to Settings>General and type site name. It should show instead of the logo image.

    Hope i could answer your questions correctly. Sorry for taking time to reply.


    Jake BellJake Bell
    • Topics: 2
    • Replies: 4
    • Total: 6
    Member since: November 14, 2015


    Thanks for the reply! My apologies for my impatience, I should’ve known it was Thanks Giving (We don’t celebrate it where I come from) and taken into account that the weekend was in-between. It was just very frustrating to see other threads being replied to that were created after mine.

    Anyways, my questions got answered and as I said before in this thread, I’m really enjoying the theme. Thanks a lot Shri!


    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
    • Topics: 0
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    • Total: 31158
    Member since: August 16, 2013

    Okay Great


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