Small alterations

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  • #50324
    Lawrence Chadwick-smithLawrence Chadwick-smith
    • Topics: 110
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    Member since: April 28, 2016

    Good afternoon

    I have this urgent request, please can you help ASAP?

    1: For the white bar at the top, can we narrow it so that the three boxes further down (search, research, projects) are all displayed fully when the home page is loaded?

    2: Can we increase the size of the smaller text on the rotating banner on the home page.

    3: Also, for the text on the home page rotating banners, can we add a background like this?
    5. I don’t think the text stands out on the rotating picture. Can you try it like this…..


    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
    • Topics: 0
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    Member since: August 16, 2013

    Hi Lawrence,

    This issues was resolved from our end. Kindly check and confirm.


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