Small theme alterations

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    Lawrence Chadwick-smithLawrence Chadwick-smith
    • Topics: 110
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    Member since: April 28, 2016

    Good morning,

    I desperately need some help please, this is really urgent.

    Firstly, under the “What we do” area, I need the title (the What we do) to be exactly as it is for the “Who we are” bit with blue and size and block caps. Now I used the following, and added the h2 tags etc below but its not updating at all?

    <h1><span style=”color: #21282f;” mce-data-marked=”1″>WHAT WE DO</span></h1>
    <span>We offer </span><span>search</span><span>, </span><span>research </span><span>and </span><span>project </span><span>based Talent Acquisition services at a sensible price. Our charges are based on projects not percentages.</span>

    Can you assist at all, please? The password for the website is x and I have already sent you the log in details.

    Secondly, under the “Who we are” there is a small line; I need to remove this, so can you help on removing it please or tell me which line to go to to remove it? As I can’t seem to manage!

    Finally, all the sliding banners at the top need to have the first headline in block capitals (as it is) but the next smaller line to be in normal, not caps.

    Can you please please help asap?


    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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