social area icons

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  • #183151
    • Topics: 20
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    Member since: August 9, 2016

    So I have been trying everything to get the social area to work with two different problems on the header and the footer.
    In the header, it shows up as little dots (and the facebook icon does NOT work at all, like this
    Social_area buttons and icons not working in header

    I am using your code exactly as it should be and also using “fa” icons as a backup because your facebook icon among others don’t work.
    [social_area][social link=”” class=”fa-facebook-square”][social link=”” class=”fa-twitter”] [social link=”#” class=” fa-google”][social link=”” class=”fa-linkedin”] [social link=”” class=” fa-youtube”][social link=”” class=”fa-instagram”] [social link=”” class=” fa-vimeo”] [social link=”” class=” fa-shopify”] [/social_area]

    Then I use the code with and without the “fa” on the icon description in the footer and I get green boxes with no icons.
    This picture also shows how I am using [su_buttons] code successfully in the footer but in the header I can’t get it to change size and become larger. The footer picture also shows how I am using html code for inserting font awesome icons in directly but they don’t have a box behind them.

    I need a proper solution because I have seen the other comments that are 7 pages long with no solution to this same problem.
    3 different footer social styles with social area not working

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    Kindly send us your URL of the site and WordPress admin details (Username & Password) via email:[email protected] Please mention this forum URL while replying so that we understand what needs to be done.

    We’ll check and revert back to you.


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