Some questions about Political candidate theme

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  • #48639
    Vanessa GómezVanessa Gómez
    • Topics: 183
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    Member since: July 4, 2016

    I have some questions about Political candidate theme.
    web url:

    1) How I can reduce the vertical space between menu items in the sidebar?
    I tried the following code in style.css of the child theme:
    #sidebar ul li a {line-height: 16px!important;}
    but it does not work.

    2) In the Blog entries date appears in the format “j F, Y” and I want that appears in the format “d/m/Y” in all languajes. How can I fix this?

    Thank you very much for your help.

    Best regards,

    Vanessa GómezVanessa Gómez
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    Member since: July 4, 2016

    I have two more questions:

    3) The Excerpt of the entries do not respect the styles of texts (paragraphs, bold, etc.). How can I solve this?

    4) I want to justify the excerpt. How can I do this?

    Thank yoy very much for yiur help!!

    Best regards,

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Hi Vanessa,

    This issue was resolved from our end. Kindly check and confirm.


    Vanessa GómezVanessa Gómez
    • Topics: 183
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    Member since: July 4, 2016

    Hi Dave,

    Thank you very much por your help!!

    1) I would further reduce the vertical space between the items of the sidebar menu.

    2) It has been fixed on the home page but you should change the date format on the blog and in the individual entries:

    3) The Excerpt of the entries do not respect the styles of texts (paragraphs, bold, etc.). How can I solve this in home page and blog?

    Best regards,

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Issue resolved.

    Vanessa GómezVanessa Gómez
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    Thank you very much. Now it’s much better!!

    But there are still a pair of issues to fix.

    1) I want to reduce the vertical space between the items of the sidebar menu. Is it possible? Can you tell me what code I have to put in custom css?

    2) The Excerpt of the entries do not respect the styles of texts (paragraphs, bold, etc.). This issue vas solved for each individual entrie but it’s necessary to fix in the home page (last section above the footer) and blog (

    Best regards,

    Vanessa GómezVanessa Gómez
    • Topics: 183
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    Member since: July 4, 2016

    Sorry for being so insistent, but there are still a pair of issues to solve.

    1) I want to reduce the vertical space between the items of the sidebar menu. Is it possible? Can you tell me what code I have to put in custom css?

    2) The Excerpt of the entries do not respect the styles of texts (paragraphs, bold, etc.). This issue vas solved for each individual entrie but it’s necessary to fix in the home page (last section above the footer) and blog (

    Best regards,

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013

    Hi Vanessa,

    1) Can you please send us the screenshot regarding this issue. Upload your screenshot on and paste the share URL here.

    2) Kindly go to Appearance>>Theme Option>>Basic Setting>>Custom CSS Box

    Add this code there:

    .blogposts p{font-weight:900;}


    Vanessa GómezVanessa Gómez
    • Topics: 183
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    Member since: July 4, 2016

    Hi Dave,

    1) The url of the screenshot:
    In the right sidebar there is a menu and I want to reduce some of the vertical space between the items of the menu.

    2) Is not this. Im sorry. I have not explained properly.
    In the blog ( the excerpt of the entries do not respect the styles of texts (paragraphs, bold, justify, etc.). The same issue for the news that appear at the bottom of the home page, just above the footer.

    Thanks for your help!!

    Best regards,

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013

    Hi Vanessa,

    1) Add this code in custom css box

    #sidebar ul li a{line-height:0 !important;}

    2) Add this code for blog page:

    article p{text-align:justify; font-weight:900;}


    Vanessa GómezVanessa Gómez
    • Topics: 183
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    Member since: July 4, 2016

    Hi Dave,

    Much better. Thank you very much for your help!!!

    Only a last question. Now the extracts of the entries that appaear in the blog page and in the home page are properly justified. But do not respect the style of the original text. Does not respect the different paragraphs, words in bold or italic …
    How can fix this?

    I found info about this topic>
    I don’t know if that code will work with this theme. What do you think about that?

    Best regards,

    Vanessa GómezVanessa Gómez
    • Topics: 183
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    Member since: July 4, 2016

    Hello again,

    Any idea on the issue that is still pending?

    Best regards,

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