Testimonial not fully shown

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  • #51010
    • Topics: 26
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    Member since: October 12, 2016


    Why is it that not the full conetnt of a testimonial will be shows and cut down by ….

    I would ether like to show the full testimonial or show a read more button.

    Thank you

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: June 12, 2013

    Hi Hans,

    We can either change it for you on this particular theme or else we can suggest/recommend you a different plugin altogether which should be sufficient and should work on all our themes.

    Let me know.


    • Topics: 26
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    • Total: 96
    Member since: October 12, 2016

    Hello Shri,
    just to be on the safe side you understood that the lower part of a longer testimonial is not shown in your SKT white theme and will be cut down by …..

    So you suggest to use a plugin instead of your testimonial. Do I assume right that [short-code] of this plugin goes into the content in section 5 instead of the [Testimonial] code?

    Thank you

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