Themes with same Name problem

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  • #91836
    Jacob VogtJacob Vogt
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    Member since: December 7, 2015

    Hi i recently installed the Adventure paid version on my site. Unfortuatly the slider only works in the costumizer mode but not for visiters.

    I believe the problem is that i had a couple of years ago a theme with the same name installed and some how i get code and the background image from that theme that had the same name instead of the slider.

    How can I get rid of the old stuff or is there a other way?
    I already deleted the old theme that was also called adventure. via FTP and via WP
    I also tried putting the new theme into a folder called skt-adventure but it did not work
    In the backend when i go in Themes i see the old adventure picture but when i click on it every thing about the skt adventure them comes, but still with the old picture. Once I go on costumize everything looks like it should.

    Please help.


    Jacob VogtJacob Vogt
    • Topics: 10
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    Member since: December 7, 2015

    This is the code that comes:

    ')); var a = function(t) { var n = e(".nivo-caption", s); if (i.currentImage.attr("title") != "" && i.currentImage.attr("title") != undefined) { var r = i.currentImage.attr("title"); if (r.substr(0, 1) == "#") r = e(r).html(); if (n.css("display") == "block") { setTimeout(function() { n.html(r) }, t.animSpeed) } else { n.html(r); n.stop().fadeIn(t.animSpeed) } } else { n.stop().fadeOut(t.animSpeed) } }; a(r); var f = 0; if (!r.manualAdvance && o.length > 1) { f = setInterval(function() { d(s, o, r, false) }, r.pauseTime) } if (r.directionNav) { s.append('
    ' + r.prevText + '
    ' + r.nextText + "
    "); e(s).on("click", "a.nivo-prevNav", function() { if (i.running) { return false } clearInterval(f); f = ""; i.currentSlide -= 2; d(s, o, r, "prev") }); e(s).on("click", "a.nivo-nextNav", function() { if (i.running) { return false } clearInterval(f); f = ""; d(s, o, r, "next") }) } if (r.controlNav) { i.controlNavEl = e('
    '); s.after(i.controlNavEl); for (var l = 0; l ') } else { i.controlNavEl.append('' + (l + 1) + "") } } e("a:eq(" + i.currentSlide + ")", i.controlNavEl).addClass("active"); e("a", i.controlNavEl).bind("click", function() { if (i.running) return false; if (e(this).hasClass("active")) return false; clearInterval(f); f = ""; u.attr("src", i.currentImage.attr("src")); i.currentSlide = e(this).attr("rel") - 1; d(s, o, r, "control") }) } if (r.pauseOnHover) { s.hover(function() { i.paused = true; clearInterval(f); f = "" }, function() { i.paused = false; if (f === "" && !r.manualAdvance) { f = setInterval(function() { d(s, o, r, false) }, r.pauseTime) } }) } s.bind("nivo:animFinished", function() { u.attr("src", i.currentImage.attr("src")); i.running = false; e(o).each(function() { if (e(this).is("a")) { e(this).css("display", "none") } }); if (e(o[i.currentSlide]).is("a")) { e(o[i.currentSlide]).css("display", "block") } if (f === "" && !i.paused && !r.manualAdvance) { f = setInterval(function() { d(s, o, r, false) }, r.pauseTime) } }); var h = function(t, n, r) { if (e(r.currentImage).parent().is("a")) e(r.currentImage).parent().css("display", "block"); e('img[src="' + r.currentImage.attr("src") + '"]', t).not(".nivo-main-image,.nivo-co
    Jacob VogtJacob Vogt
    • Topics: 10
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    Member since: December 7, 2015

    Please can you help me or tell me where to look?

    I spent quite some time on this problem now and it is getting frustrating…

    Jacob VogtJacob Vogt
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    Member since: December 7, 2015

    Found the bastard it was the ginger cookie law plugin

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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