URGENT Home page issue changing from SKT builder to Elementor ?

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    Rachel KirkRachel Kirk
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    Member since: October 25, 2019

    Hi having started using SKT builder, I’ve had to change to Elementor because I needed to add CSS.

    I have uninstalled SKT builder, but now the home page set up is messed up, all the content is on the far right hand side? Can you sort this for me? Or is there a way to reset the home page?

    This is the site, https://southwarkyouth.groundworksites.com/

    not live yet. Let me know if you want login details.



    Rachel KirkRachel Kirk
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    Member since: October 25, 2019

    Following on from my post above, I expect the problem lies in changing from the SKT builder to Elementor. Would you suggest that I reset the theme & start again, using Elementor only?

    I don’t want to have lots of techinical issues due to the changeover from SKT builder to Elementor.


    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Which theme are you using?


    Rachel KirkRachel Kirk
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    Member since: October 25, 2019

    hi, sorry should have said, I’m using Strong Pro. thanks

    Rachel KirkRachel Kirk
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    Hi, I really need a response on this please. As I’m working to a tight deadline. thanks

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Hi Rachel,

    Not sure but strong pro theme uses SKT Builder.

    It cannot be converted into using Elementor.

    If you wish to use Elementor then check out the elementor themes: https://www.sktthemes.org/shop/elementor-wordpress-theme/

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Check in demo all the themes listed in demo are the ones you can use.

    This is one such theme: https://www.sktthemes.org/shop/skt-fitness-pro/

    Hope this makes sense.


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