Variety of Issues

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  • #115705
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    Member since: January 27, 2019

    Hi! Please help if you can. I am very new to this, and I may have bitten off more than I can chew…but here it goes….

    I bought the IT Solutions Pro theme and I am really struggling with a few things.

    1. I cant get the footer social media icons to be horizontal…they are all listed vertically.
    2. The images in the band across the top of the page seem super stretched out and skewed
    3. When I switch the screen to the phone format in viewing it skews the logo at the top
    4. The “call to action” buttons wont link – is this because the site is not yet live?
    5. On the meet the team page, I need to get the two pictures centered on the page – they are currently left justified. I also cant figure out how to unlink them so they don’t go to another page when you click on them.
    6. At the very top of the page, the social media icons are not linking correctly

    Thanks in advance for any help you are willing to lend.

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    Kindly show us your website URL?


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