Hello I have several drawbacks with the BUILD PRO main page. The last time I made several inquiries and they answered me incompletely and slowly.
1) The service box “MARCA PERSONAL” for more that I delete and re-create, the button and link “read more” is disabled.
You can see: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4wJ_s9iGAcJNFNURHhQcGExbTg
2) I’m going to Theme Options -> Section, I use the short code [Testimonials] and this happens.
You can see: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4wJ_s9iGAcJdXZKa010UlktUzA
3) How do I make the social networking bar appear attached to the footer, same as the theme demo…
You can see: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4wJ_s9iGAcJS3VDMkR4enJMREk
The web link is: http://www.conversa-ce.com