Wavy Line Removal.

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  • #199385
    Trevor StevensTrevor Stevens
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    Member since: December 31, 2021

    I have the theme SKT Simple ProVersion: pro5.0. I am not not very keen on the wavy line under the slider Is there a way of removing this altogether or disabling it. ???
    web site in production is https://calladineparkhomes.co.uk/NewSite/ It is white at the moment. It also has issues when viewed in a tablet in landscape mode.

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Kindly go to Appearance >> Customize >> Basic >> Scroll down to find Custom CSS and paste there:

    .skt-builder-wave { bottom: -68px;}
    @media screen and (min-width:1024px) and (max-width:1100px) {
    .skt-builder-wave { bottom: -108px;}


    Trevor StevensTrevor Stevens
    • Topics: 11
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    Member since: December 31, 2021

    Hi Dave, That has not removed the wavy line item. I think we need to remove that entire item. Where does this code live to rem it out?

    Trevor StevensTrevor Stevens
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    Member since: December 31, 2021

    At last i found it.
    The code is in the following
    in the directory frontpage and in file slider-static.php
    the code to remove starting at line 72 is

    <div class=”skt-builder-wave”>
    <svg version=”1.0″ xmlns=”http://www.w3.org/2000/svg” width=”1450.000000pt” height=”240.000000pt” viewBox=”0 0 1450.000000 240.000000″ preserveAspectRatio=”xMidYMid meet”>
    <g transform=”translate(0.000000,240.000000) scale(0.100000,-0.100000)” fill=”#f6f9fe” stroke=”none”>
    <path class=”skt-builder-wave-color” d=”M13770 2394 c-19 -2 -80 -9 -135 -15 -369 -40 -805 -146 -1205 -295 -80 -29 -274 -108 -430 -175 -1099 -468 -1950 -757 -2665 -903 -388 -79 -626 -106 -976 -113 -508 -10 -694 21 -1294 212 -525 167 -780 215 -1151 215 -457 0 -920 -92 -1554 -308 -168 -57 -388 -131 -490 -163 -749 -241 -1538 -385 -2355 -430 -274 -15 -851 -6 -1050 16 -77 9 -213 19 -302 22 l-163 6 0 -232 0 -231 7250 0 7250 0 0 1189 0 1189 -32 6 c-37 8 -644 16 -698 10z”></path>

    I removed this and now just have the slider. I note there are refs in the main style css do i need to rem these out or are they ok to leave?

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    If You Don’t Want Wave? You can remove that CSS.


    Trevor StevensTrevor Stevens
    • Topics: 11
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    Member since: December 31, 2021

    Thanks Dave.

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


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