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I think you misunderstand me. I asked you to help me put the text font from Price an Priceper exactly like in the Demo of the Theme. Now, the font from these two is different from the font in the li class.
Super-thanks. You were really helpfull.
One more little thing. In Issue 9, do you know why the text from Price an Priceper does not have the same font?
Hello again
please look again at Issue 7. In Blog Posts, the Top Bar Menu is displayed above the post title (look also in the blog categories).
+ 9. I tried to put on a page ( the Home Section 11 code. Please look at the page and see that the fonts are not right + the codes are not displaying the graphic.
Hello. I want to say thank you for your support.
Can you help me with something else?
9. I tried to put on a page ( the Home Section 11 code. Please look at the page and see that the fonts are not right + the codes are not displaying the graphic.
Hello again
please look again at Issue 7. In Blog Posts, the Top Bar Menu is displayed above the post title (look also in the blog categories).
Thank you for your help.
A final issue. I see you have modified the site animation for section 1 on homepage (on desktop).
Please, take a look on the mobile version as well.
Thanks once again.
please look again to issue 6 (sticky top menu).
I see it is goog on the pages, but now the menu is not sticky anymore on the HomePage.
8. no, I do not want to disable the entire site animation… just the animation from section 1 from HomePage
Hello again.
I discovered some new issues:
7. In Blog Posts, the Top Bar Menu is displayed above the post title:
8. Site animation – in the mobile version of the site, when you enter in Home Page, it is displayed only the Home slider and below it is 3/4 of the screen white (blank). The user experience is not good in this moment, because the user does not know he must roll down the site to see something.
My solution in this case would be to block the animation ONLY for Section 1:
Thank you.
At point 6, can you make the top header sticky in all pages (now it is sticky only in home page)
+ at the home page slider, I see the grey shadow from the text on the photos is not shown anymore (and the text is not visible anymore)
1. In Post/Page Header Settings – I would like the Posts/Page Header Background Image to be shown in full, and to do not have a grey shadow above
In your version of coding, the site displays the top photo of a page like this: (just a part of the photo)
I would like to display the whole picture, like this:
2. In HomePage – Section 5 – I would like the text to have a white shadow, because in the mobile version the text is displayed over the central photo an it is very hard to read
3. In Home Page – Section 10 – I would like to put first the price and after the title (I used the code for section 10 in section 3 in my site). (in the price’s spot I put Nutritia in afectiuni, and in the title Pentru persoanele cu boli ce impun o dieta personalizata (ex. diabet, boli gastroenterologice, endocrine, cardiovasculare etc.) – I want to reverse them
4. In Posts, I would like not to display the Author:
In Homepage, in latest posts section, I do not want to display the author (Alex Frunza)
5. In Procedures, when you click on the photo of one procedure (on homepage), the site redirects you on a procedure page. How can I remove the top photo? The site displays the same photo I set up for blog posts, and I do not want to display anything. – LETS DO THAT LATER!
6. Can you make the site top header to be sticky? Like in (the top bar is displayed even when you scroll down the page)
I send you the email you asked. Please, let me know if you need more info.I have installed Spa Theme on, I worked on it, but until I finish the modifications I need, I am using my old theme Karuna. The Spa Theme is installed on the server, but it is not activated. Do you need to give you acces to the admin?
I paste the line code. It modified the subtitles from Home section 3, but the title from the Home section 2 and 5 remained the same font.
I followed your advice and I got my answers from the support team from the Forum.
but, something is still going wrong.
I entered in Appearance – Customize – Basic – Fonts Typography and I changed H1, H2, H3 and H4 fonts with the Marcellus font.
In the Home Page of, the changes appeared in the section titles, but they did not appeared in the Home section 2 and Home section 5 (the site displays a Times New Roman font instead).
what should I do?